Friday, March 28, 2008

Today wake up finish watching last 3 episode of
Pretty Ugly (原來我不帥) on dvd ,haha last time watch every disc come out b4 the show finish very good
haha last episode very funny also very sad ...nt good for health ar haha laugh till stomach ache then tear flow through ur eye at same time
Sian dunnoe wat show to watch liao now sunday nothing to do since this drama i already finish need to switch liao
Dunnoe why suddenly got a urge to heard 背叛( i been listening to it for dunnoe 18 or 19 time)
10:50 AM
Thursday, March 27, 2008
wake up early to see got job today but no much suitable one also....
so nothing to do come online load one movie which i been waiting for a long time
Once , a low budget irish flim , flim in 3 week time with normal dv cams but it receive a grammy nomination and also won the best movie song award in oscars casted by Glen Hansard &
Markéta Irglová ,they are singer not actor btw !!
An (unnamed) Guy is a Dublin guitarist/singer-songwriter who makes a living by fixing vacuum cleaners in his Dad's Hoover repair shop by day, and singing and playing for money on the Dublin streets by night. An (unnamed) Girl is a Czech who plays piano when she gets a chance, and does odd jobs by day and takes care of her mom and her daughter by night. Guy meets Girl, and they get to know each other as the Girl helps the Guy to put together a demo disc that he can take to London in hope of landing a music contract. During the same several day period, the Guy and the Girl work through their past loves, and reveal their budding love for one another, through their songs
Well overall i think this flim is really nice the song is touching ...this kind of low budget flim is always better than those big cast hollywood flim ..very realistic storyline and
Dun give up a dream ....fight for it :)
3:01 AM
Monday, March 24, 2008
My Funny Cousin & MeWell....slept around 1am yesterday
wake up around 6am today cause need to go meet up relative and go Mandai to bai bai(shaomu)
ok haha quite fast the journey from cck to there ...very good nt many ppl there cause most ppl are
still sleeping ..we at there bai bai around till 9am la then come back liao ...nothing much to do also
then come back home la , so sian apply some job online dunnoe gt reply or nt also :(
6:54 AM
Thursday, March 13, 2008
1:34 PM
Well....rainy afternoon cool weather to sleep
almost went into sleep but i did not so nothing better to do but to watch a flim
today watched a 1hr35 min england's movie academy nominated flim call "
Pierrepoint "
Ok...let me intro this abit
This flim follow the story of Albert Pierrepoint, most famous hangman in britain,how he is being train from 1933 to his resignation of 1956.....gonna tell u dun watch this flim when u are eating cause i did will make u feel digust
OK Mr Pierrepoint....has a massive record of hanging 608 people in his entire carrer from hanging a man in a most fastest of time 7 hanging the last woman who is being in uk till the most difficult part ....hanging his best friend
(what is the sort of feeling when u are standing beside a person and both of u know that what is going to happen next and somemore is your life long friend )
Well....i saw about 40+ ppl getting hung (i count nothing to do ) and different ppl different feeling ,well i gonna say this is a low cost production movie with no effect big cast but is has a nice storyline...nice audio and visual effect(natural) to me this kind of movie is a petty they dun show in cinema in singapore because the government think is too violent _!_有些错不管你付出多大的代价都不能挽回了..........................
9:55 AM
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
3:36 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Cool N Chillin day and night.....feel very comfortable but abit bored cause nothing i can do beside playing computer or ps2 !!
Wanna look out for job but nt big chance cause nt they wan exprience then they wan higher cert ...sian lor
Day are ticking away sec by sec ,min by min dunnoe sitll got how many day b4 i am summon into the
so sian ar..........who wan go watch movie wif me ????????
11:19 AM
Saturday, March 08, 2008 nothing much to say !!
cause i spend the whole day meaningfully haha like in sch !!
morning wake up around 9 plus then eat after that come online saw lauren posted some pic from yesterday bowling so i decided to grab some and post here but then i got a better ideas...
Why Not do a photo montage which i learn last yr
So i did some editing here and there ahha take half day for a 1 minute 50 s video montage
now u all should noe how come those video editor is kind of mad and weird cause they might already suffer from phd in the process :)
Siaokia's Bowling Montage !!!!
(Dun turn the volume bar too loud )
11:30 AM
Well after watching movie , nothing to do so why nt play football manager 2008

My profile :)
A Hardworking Slave in my Arsenal Squad...Togo's Black dog Adebayor !!
How harding ? He scored 5 goal against chelsea for Me ...Me Only OK !!
5:18 AM
Wednesday, March 05, 2008

StanFour, New band from germany saw their album online and grab the whole album into my computer after listening to all the songs ..
Man, overall it is a great album ...their song is just give u energy when u are restless ,so what are u waiting 4 for go check it out :)
But i doubt singapore will be selling this ablum even amazon does not sell it only in germany u get to buy :(
7:21 AM
Saturday, March 01, 2008 abit half dead cause i did not sleep enough yesterday
only manage sleep about 3 or 4 hour .... slept at 1am after playing a few round of mahjong with lauren
Wake up around 6am then go school sian reach school hand in project le teacher say i can go but i did nt go off cause will be piss off by coming to school 2 hr then do nothing go home so start at class room "blow" aircon and play mahjong wif classmate ,lauren and nicky haha
After class then meet nicky and lauren go expo tour a round .....before going home
sian tml weekend wat to do ......
Tired and sian :(
2:52 PM